California Crunch Cassava Chips, A healthy alternative to potato chips!

Monday, November 14, 2011 Alexis Mendoza 0 Comments

So I got some California Crunch Cassava Chips and decided to make a review about it.

To tell you the truth, I've known these chips for a few months already but never got the chance to try them, until now. I was not really a fan of new chips in the market since I'm used to the regular potato chips I buy since ages. But my curiosity made me try this chips.

California Chips Cassava Chips according to their website is a healthy and delicious alternative to our normal potato and flour based snacks, and cassava is really abundant in our region.

You have two flavors to choose from, Barbecue and Sour cream & Onions. Both, I must say is really satisfying. :)

Each pack is really packed to the brim. You can say goodbye to more-air-in-potato-chips-bag situation!
The good thing about this chips is that they are sliced into ridges which makes it more flavorful, because the ridges trapped all the flavors!

Sour cream & Onion Flavor
--- I didn't got the chance to take a photo of the other flavor because we ate it right away. -__-
and oh! the California Crunch Cassava Chips is not really like our typical potato chips, because its thicker and more filling, because its Cassava! Unlike the super thin potato chips we normally eat.

Actually, It feels like I was eating something more significant than normal potato chips. You know this feeling, like after you ate a full bag of potato chips you still don't feel full, this is not like that, I actually felt quite full and I can't really eat the whole bag of cassava chips by myself because one pack really has a lot of contents. So I guess its meant for sharing~!

Behold, Its Thiiiiick!!!
So how about the taste?

The Barbecue flavor packs a powerful spicy yet sweet taste because of the cassava, and since I'm a big fan of anything spicy, tasting California Crunch Cassava Chips barbecue flavor made it my favorite flavor right away.

While the Sour Cream & Onion flavor is really yummy too, your can really taste the sourness but you can still taste a hint of sweetness, again from the cassava. Compared to other Sour Cream & Onion chips I tried, This one from California Crunch really packs a real punch when it comes to flavor.

Overall, I can say California Crunch Cassava Chips is a great alternative to our normal potato chips, its has twice the number of potassium & fibre than potatoes, 30% less fat and 0% Cholesterol, so its not oily or greasy. So I guess I found a new alternative chips when I'm craving for one.

California Crunch Cassava Chips is Available at SM Supermarkets, Gourdo's and other places for only P44.50 (not bad when you think about how heavy per pack is!).

To know more and know where you can buy California Crunch Cassava Chips, Visit them online!
California Crunch Cassava Chips on Facebook
California Crunch Cassave Chips Official Website

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